Movendo partners with Maragal to advance fall prevention screening

By Pankaj Singh

Maragal Medical has reportedly partnered with Movendo Technology to incorporate its robotic system hunova© into a fall prevention screening for geriatric patients.

Dr. Timothy Gallagher, the Chief Executive Officer of Maragal Medical, noted that falls account for one of the leading causes of unintended injuries, injury-related deaths among older adults on Medicare and over the age of 65. He added that the company will provide complimentary fall prevention screenings at its clinic from January 2022.

The hunova© is a robotic programmable medical device that consists of two separate electromechanical movable platforms, one at seat level and one at foot level. The device has a distinct feature of predicting and preventing the risk of falls and it can deliver over 200 assessments and exercises for stretching, postural control, balance, muscle strengthening, proprioception, and core stability.

According to Dr. Michael Marciello, the Medical Director of Maragal Medical, by using the advanced hunova© robotics technology, the individualized rehabilitation protocols, and objective evaluations help its patients in enhancing strength, flexibility, and balance.

The Silver Index© simulates the dynamic and static perturbative elements at the beginning of falls in a controlled method, emphasizing the specific deficiency of the person and offering personalized rehabilitative mediation.

This is a progressive assessment and the usage of Artificial Intelligence with its Machine Learning algorithms has enabled the selection of the best clinical and biomechanical parameters to obtain the most accurate prediction. 

Dr. Marciello has stated that the implementation of an official Fall prevention program by using the Silver Index assessment protocol of hunova will prevent falls and aid the local community.

For the record, Movendo Technology was established in 2016 and is a part of Dompé Holdings. The company is headquartered in Genoa with its subsidiaries in Munich, Germany, and Boston, MA. Movendo develops and promotes digital and robotic rehabilitation solutions for functional, objective evaluations and effective treatments.

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Pankaj Singh

Pankaj Singh Develops content for Algosonline, Market Size Forecasters, and a couple of other platforms. A Post Graduate in Management by qualification, he worked as an underwriter in the UK insurance domain before deciding to switch his field of profession. With experience in technical and niche w...

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