New York brings new law into effect to ban single use plastic bags

By Pankaj Singh

The New York law banning the single-use plastic bags took effect recently, moving the city closer to being eco-friendly. Despite the positive change, few customers complained about the new rules. However, the office of Mayor Bill de Blasio commemorated the law with a ‘buh bye’ graphic tweet.

The mayor’s office further wrote that it is sending a big farewell to the usage of single-use plastic, adding that the city has now moved on to reusable eco-friendly bags and would not be looking back.

New York became one of the few states to prohibit plastic bags when lawmakers approved the ban a year ago as a part of the new state budget. The new law states that the local counties would now have the option of levying a 5-cent fee on carryout paper bags, with 3 cents going to the Environmental Protection Fund of the state as well as 2 cents being kept in by the local governments.

The enforcement would not begin until April 1, and a plastic bag manufacturer along with New York bodega owners are challenging the law at the state Supreme Court.

Stores caught selling the banned bags would face a verbal rebuke, a fine of $100 for a second violation, and lastly a $500 fine for a third violation.

Andrew Cuomo, Democratic New York Governor, last year stated that going without plastic bags would be a small inconvenience as compared to the harmful impact of plastic pollution on the environment.

Cuomo further stated that state figures estimated that New Yorkers use approximately 23 billion single use plastic bags every year. By 2050, there would be more amount of plastic in the oceans than fish.

Specific bags, such as pharmacy drug bags or food storage bags have been exempted. People using government nutrition programs such as WIC or SNAP are also exempted from the 5-cent fee on paper bags.

As per Department of Environmental Conservation, utilization of reusable bags makes sense and is the best thing to do.

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About Author

Pankaj Singh

Pankaj Singh Develops content for Algosonline, Market Size Forecasters, and a couple of other platforms. A Post Graduate in Management by qualification, he worked as an underwriter in the UK insurance domain before deciding to switch his field of profession. With experience in technical and niche w...

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