Tesco Plc bans non-recyclable packaging for its own products

By Saipriya Iyer

Tesco Plc, a UK based grocery & general merchandise retailer, has decided to impose a ban on all non-recyclable packaging on its own products. The decision is apparently aimed at reducing the proportion of plastic utilized in packaging its own brands by the end of 2019. As per authentic sources, PVC stretch films utilized for mushroom punnets, cooked meats, and sausages are likely to be replaced.

In a bid to reduce the use of plastic in food packaging, the firm has decided to pull out polystyrene pizza bases and yoghurt pots from the food retail store shelves.

Some of the key officials of the firm have announced that the firm is jointly working with the retailers to eliminate all kinds of plastic packaging that is difficult to recycle. Seemingly, even black plastic trays to serve ready-to-eat meals, fish, and meat will be banned as they cannot be recycled. Laminate pouches that find applications in the pet & baby food sector may also be replaced. The firm, in all plausibility, may adopt wood pulp packaging, aluminum foil packaging, cardboard packaging, and even paper, steel, and glass packaging.

Reports cite that Tesco has decided to use particular types of plastics that are easily recyclable, such as PET that finds applications across polyethylene films and bottles. With the firm leaning toward the go-green initiative, it has joined the ranks of organizations such as Coca-Cola & Iceland that support the deposit & return scheme for cans as well as drinking bottles.

Jason Tarry, the Chief Product Officer of Tesco, has declared that the firm aims to minimize the overall packaging quantity that finds the application in its business. He further emphasized that the company is also adopting a closed loop system on packaging materials in which each product that is used for packaging the material can be gathered and then recycled.

About Author

Saipriya Iyer

Saipriya Iyer currently works as a content developer for AlgosOnline. A computer engineer by profession, she ventured into the field of writing for the love of playing with words. Having had a previous experience of 3 years under her belt, she has dabbled with website content writing, content auditi...

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